
Take part in the Wearable Clinic: Test out our online survey

Posted on February 7, 2019

We are looking for participants to test out our online survey as part of a Think Aloud Interview for the Wearable Clinic (a project exploring and quantifying preferences of people with long term conditions towards the use of wearable technologies to support collaborative management).

Study summary

The study will investigate how digital technologies can be used to help people with long term conditions to take greater responsibility for managing their own health and care.  Our long term aim is to bring together digital technologies and software, such as smartphones, tablets and smartwatches as part of a new service called the ‘Wearable Clinic’. To inform the design of the Wearable Clinic we want to understand what features might be most useful for different types of people.

What is the purpose of this study?

The aim of this study is to understand what people think about using the Wearable Clinic to help them manage aspects of their health and care. As part of this, we want to use an online survey to understand what types of support and care people would value the most (and least) and to understand their reasons for this. These findings will be used to inform the next phase of design in the Wearable Clinic. Before the survey goes live, we need some volunteers to test out the survey and tell us their opinions on how the questions are worded and how they might be understood by others.

Who can take part?

In this phase of the study, we are looking for people aged 18 and over with experience of chronic kidney disease (not yet on dialysis).

What will the research involve?

You will be invited to an interview with the research team – the date is planned for Friday 8th March. On the day, we will ask you to take part in an online survey and to tell us what you are thinking as you answer the survey questions. The interview will last up to 1 hour and will be held at a venue in central Manchester. You will receive a small reimbursement in the form of gift vouchers to compensate you for your time, plus we will cover your local travel expenses

Contact for further information

To find out more, please contact:

Dr Lamiece Hassan at The University of Manchester
Tel: 0161 275 51160